Southampton University explain why they chose HUSKY ECO bar fridges

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Southampton University explain why they chose HUSKY ECO bar fridges

Frankie Puchades, Venue Manager, University of Southampton Student’s Bar explains why he chose the HUSKY ECO bar fridge over competitor brands:

Are you able to describe the environment that your bar is situated in – i.e., is it a busy, high-volume bar that requires reliable, hard-working equipment that you know has been built to last?

The student union bar is situated in a highly dynamic and bustling environment within our very busy campus. It serves as a popular gathering spot for students, faculty, and visitors throughout the day, especially during peak hours and events. Given the constant flow of patrons, our bar indeed operates as a high-volume establishment, often requiring reliable and hard-working equipment that can withstand the demands of a fast-paced environment.

We understand the importance of having equipment that is built to last in such a demanding setting. This ensures not only the smooth operation of the bar but also the satisfaction of our customers. We prioritise investing in durable and dependable equipment to maintain efficiency and meet the high expectations of our diverse customer base.

As you are aware the Husky ECO fridges have an energy rating of B and only use 0.63 kilowatts over a 24-hour period – saving 70% energy over other UK competitor brands.  How important is that energy saving for you and would you say that energy consumption was one of your main priorities in your decision to buy the Husky ECO fridges?

Energy saving is a significant concern for us. As a responsible organisation, we are committed to sustainability, and reducing our energy consumption is one of our key priorities. The fact that the Husky ECO fridges have an energy rating of B and use only 0.63 kilowatts over a 24-hour period is of great importance to us. This energy-saving feature played a pivotal role in our decision to purchase these fridges.

We imagine you looked at alternative brands when doing your buying research – what was it that convinced you to purchase the Husky ECO fridges?

During our buying research, we did indeed consider alternative brands. What convinced us to choose Husky ECO fridges was a combination of factors. First and foremost was the energy efficiency, as mentioned earlier. Additionally, Husky’s reputation for durable and reliable equipment, positive reviews from other establishments, and the overall value for money made it a compelling choice for us.

Did you find Husky helpful and informative during your decision-making process?

Yes, we found Husky to be extremely helpful and informative during our decision-making process. Their sales representatives provided us with detailed information about the fridges, their features, and benefits. They were also responsive to our queries, which made the decision-making process smoother.

Did you find the delivery service efficient and stress-free?

The delivery service provided by Husky was indeed efficient and stress-free. The fridges were delivered on time and in excellent condition. The delivery team was professional and ensured that the process went smoothly.

Are you pleased with the fridges – do you think they look smart in your bar?

We are pleased with the Husky ECO fridges in our bar. Not only do they perform well and meet our energy-saving goals, but they also have a sleek and modern design that complements the aesthetics of our bar.

Would you choose to purchase again from Husky again and why?

Yes, we would definitely consider purchasing from Husky again in the future. The combination of energy efficiency, reliability, helpful customer support, and a hassle-free delivery experience has left us with a positive impression. Should we require additional equipment or replacements, Husky would be our first choice.

In summary, the Husky ECO fridges have proven to be a valuable addition to our busy student union bar, aligning with our energy-saving goals and offering reliable performance in a high-demand environment. We are satisfied with our decision to choose Husky and would recommend their products and services to others.

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