Customer Testimonials

Mr Patel at Jaydees News

April 2023 Mr Patel of Jaydees News bought 2 C10PRO’s. Having had my two old Husky fridges for 15 years, I knew it was time to change and although I could have bought cheaper, I wanted peace of...

The Coffee Van

Recently bought an F14 display freezer and it’s been great. Looks smart and holds a surprising amount of stock. We have it sited next to our airstream coffee bar and it compliments it very well. Would...

Camden Stores Farm Shop Chooses Husky

Family-owned farm shop, Camden Stores is located in the Brecon Beacons, Wales and serves the surrounding area, providing quality, fresh and inspiring products. The Camden Stores building had stood empty for the best part of 20 years...

Healthy Route choose PRO Range

From it's Nottingham and Leicester stores, Healthy Route sells a huge selection of natural and organic bodycare, foods and supplements. The bright, welcoming stores chill fresh/frozen lines to perfection in Husky innovative PRO Display Fridges and...