Environmentally friendly
When we deliver your new Husky product, we can remove your old one to be recycled. We will remove a different brand, but the unit we are removing has to be of similar size to the one we are delivering in. We will only remove 1 item for 1 purchased. This gives you peace of mind and removes the issue of disposing of it yourself. To choose the recycling option, tick the appropriate box when ordering on-line or mention it to our sales advisors when you order over the phone (01455 555340). There is a charge of £80 for this service.
Husky is part of the government’s WEEE directive (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment), so if you select the recycling option we will take away your like- for- like fridge or freezer and we’ll make sure your old product is disposed of in an environmentally friendly way, and it won’t find its way to a landfill.